
The special competence of Fumeaux Consulting lies in taking a systemic approach to the company and its environment whilst respecting the close interdependence which connects Strategy, Management and Innovation.

Innovation involves every aspect of the company, from the business model to the product and including the organisation and processes. It originates and develops along the entire length of the "ERIC" value chain.

Schéma d'expertise Fumeaux Consulting

Innovation is an invention or an original idea transformed into a product which creates value for its users, Prof. H. Chesbrough, University of California, Berkeley, USA.

Fumeaux Consulting understands, integrates and optimises the parameters of this value chain, in accordance with your particular needs. It uses a rigorous methodology, plus many years of professional, interdisciplinary experience at the highest level.

Fumeaux Consulting is the chosen partner of private companies, industrial SMEs, departments within large companies, and also of public bodies, such as goverment ministeries or departments.

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